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Damasec behind finding 6 grenades in the outskirt of Copenhagen

6 granater sprængt bort på Amager

Damasec has found six unexploded ordnances in Kalvebod Fælled on Amager located in the outskirt of Copenhagen as part of an environmental project.

Damasec has found six unexploded ordnances in Kalvebod Fælled on Amager located in the outskirt of Copenhagen as part of an environmental project.

The Armed Forces EOD capacity has afterwards detonated six unexploded ordnance approximately 450 meters from Granatvej on Amager on Wednesday evening around kl. 17.45.

Damasec’s ammunition- and mine clearance teams are behind the clearance of Kalvebod Fælled on western Amager, which makes up approximately one third of Amager island. In most cases, Damasec Mine Action Systems is also responsible for the demolition, but since the Armed Forces’ EOD capacity are the responsible authority for the clearance operations at Kalvebod Fælled, they are also responsible for the demolition of exposed grenades.

Former military training terrain

The Danish military commissioned the area for training in 1943 and has used the area until 1984. The exposed grenades are probably from World War II or from military training in the area.

The clearance is part of an environmental rehabilitation project, where grenades pose a threat for the client’s mechanical equipment used for the environmental rehabilitation. In general, it is also an important environmental clean-up task to extract the grenades as they will erode and chemicals from the explosives can seep into the groundwater if left in the ground for many years.

Citizens warned of blasting

Before the demolition, a warning was issued to the population of Copenhagen that the sound of an explosion could be heard so the citizens of the area would not be worried. A security perimeter of 700 meters was also enforced.

The demolition were also mentioned in several media’s:

Six grenades detonated on Amager close to Granatvej, Kristeligt Dagblad 29-09 2021

Six grenades found at Granatvej, Ekstra Bladet 29-09 2021

Six grenades detonated on Amager close to Granatvej, AVISENDANMARK 29-09 2021

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